External circumstances don't forge me, they can only help to reveal more of my abilities. I know that time doesn't exist, so I know that it wasn't the past that made me who I am today.
What I am today has always been and has never changed. Changes are experienced in the moment and are more or less linked to perspective and awareness, but not to innate intelligence.
Experiences are products of interaction or creations that belong to us, but they are not who we are and certainly don't dictate our value.
I know I experience what I want to experience for the sake of exploration, out of curiosity, to see how I would feel and what perspective I would have. But it's all in the moment. I know that the accumulation of knowledge or skills is not necessary. I know I'll find the right skills and knowledge to interact with any situation in the moment.
I know that I have everything I need inside me, and this has been proven throughout my life. I know that I don't need to memorize anything or keep memories of pleasant or unpleasant things. I prefer to do without them and keep space for the new, always starting afresh, without prejudices about ideas of the mind, about what I've done and what others have done or are doing.
This helps me to keep an innocent mind, and this innocent mind is capable of receiving wonders.
We have access to everything, at any time, if the need arises.
In the same way, I know that there is no cellular memory or any kind of energetic memory. These are mental ideas, thoughts that are produced in the moment.
The Akashic Records, for example, are not memories but the field of all possibilities, the innate creative intelligence of energy.
All possibilities are available in the present moment. There's no need to store or record, because time doesn't exist - it's just a projection of human functioning.
The body regenerates itself all the time; we don't have the same body we had a year ago. We also know that genes can be modified and that DNA is a blueprint of possibilities.
Our potential is vast, our energy is unlimited, so don't limit it with ideas and memories. Keep your mind pure and always await the new.
This is an easier way to live, where energy is free and flows naturally, without resistance.
You can start by observing yourself in different situations without judging yourself. Just live the experience and leave it at that.
Living in the present moment and not having thoughts about other times in general is an excellent sign of using free energy.